
Investing in our regions 

The 2024-25 Budget invests in what matters for regional WA, with $4 billion allocated to Royalties for Regions over the next four years.

The Cook Labor Government has increased regional infrastructure investment by a further $1.6 billion in this Budget to a record $12.8 billion over the next four years. This includes $4.5 billion on regional roads.

These investments are in addition to $5.4 billion spent annually on regional service delivery, including health, education and training, police and more, plus more than $700 million this year alone to subsidise water and power in regional WA.

  • $405 million investment in regional health services, including a funding boost to the Patient Assisted Travel Scheme.
  • $85 million for dedicated regional cost of living support:
  • $65 million to extend the Regional Air Zone Cap Scheme.
  • $20 million to boost the Regional Pensioner Travel Card by $100 to $675.
  • $73 million for Plan for Our Parks, including the proposed South Coast Marine Park and the Fortescue Marsh Nature Reserve.
  • $60 million in grants for regional community housing providers to deliver new and refurbished housing.
  • $107 million for the Brooking Channel Bridge replacement in the Kimberley to improve the resilience of infrastructure to future flooding.
  • $35 million investment in regional housing, including delivery of development-ready land in Broome, Karratha and Kalgoorlie.
  • $30 million for additional bushfire mitigation and frontline resources at priority locations.
  • $29 million for upgrades to regional and remote airstrips across the State.
  • $23 million to extend the successful Operation Regional Shield, to rapidly deploy additional police officers when required.

  • For information on specific regions, please refer to the Regional Fact Sheets.

Page reviewed 9 May 2024