
Building stronger, fairer communities 

The 2024-25 Budget continues the record investment in programs and reform that support the most vulnerable in our communities and improve community safety.

Stronger communities

  • $96 million for family and domestic violence response, prevention and reform initiatives. This brings WA Labor’s investment to $422 million since 2021. The package includes $54 million to expand and reform interagency FDV Response Teams, with a focus on early intervention to keep victim-survivors safe.
  • $88 million for child protection initiatives, including $46 million to expand access to the Home Stretch WA program for young people leaving out of home care, providing support to the age of 21.
  • $16 million State investment towards a $35 million boost for the 10-year Early Years Partnership with the Minderoo Foundation and Telethon Kids Institute, to improve early childhood outcomes in communities across WA.
  • $70 million towards reforms that will improve fairness, advocacy and services for persons with mental impairment in the justice system, while ensuring the safety of the community.
  • $17 million to support the historic overhaul of firearms laws, including the development of a new Firearms Licensing and Registry System and additional resourcing to transition existing licences and manage the voluntary buyback scheme.
  • $16 million for youth justice programs for at-risk young people, including specialised Children’s Court hearings, and a pilot court-based therapeutic program that offers intensive support to eligible young offenders as an alternative to detention.

Emergency services

The 2024-25 Budget delivers the biggest boost to frontline emergency services personnel in Western Australia in more than 50 years. The package includes:

  • $23 million for an additional 60 Career Fire and Rescue Service firefighters, which brings the total commitment in this term of Government to 132 extra career firefighters.
  • $9 million to support WA’s essential volunteer emergency services.
  • $6 million to progress the replacement of the Maddington and Armadale stations to enhance fire and emergency service delivery.
  • $8 million to improve facilities at fire stations.


Page reviewed 9 May 2024